| 29.08. 2009 |
Exhibition "I pray daily for Amy !", 2008. Come to celebrate the "King of Pop" in Paris.
The night will continue at the Grand Rex for a projection of all his video clips from 9:00 to 3:00 am in partenrship with M6 Evenement.
This show follows the one at the Dorothy's Gallery and of HF Contemporary Tribute in London.
A world tour of Michael personnal remains will than turn through the organization of Musealia Foundation in Spain.
I pray daily for Michael
Dom S-D
Play Paul
Bill Plympton
David Goldenberg
Cristobal Jodorowski
Delphine Montebello
André Niemeyer
Marion Moreau
Gilbert Mazout
Julien Ribot
Marc Sich
Gary Farrelly
White Trash Peg
Laurent Collobert
Delphine Perlstein
Cédric Pigot
Magali Daniaux
Hector de la Vallée
Marjolaine Sirieix
Gildo Medina
NEVER SAY NEVER Marjolaine Sirieix (août 2009)
Ecrits :
Olivier Cachin,
Philippe Manoeuvre,
Yann Moix,
Frédéric Beigbeder
ce samedi 29 août 2008
Galerie Chappe
4, Rue André Barsacq 75018 Paris
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